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Dry Arch Children's Centre, Dungiven
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Adulting 101 Life Skills for Young People - registration event

5th Mar 2024
💁‍♂️💁‍♀️ Adulting 101 Life Skills 💁‍♀️💁‍♂️
Our registration day for this fab set of modules is on Tuesday March 5th from 3.00pm - 5.00pm at Roe Valley Leisure Centre .
We are delighted to be introducing our new programme for young people; Adulting 101. Aimed at developing independence, building relationships, and learning new skills, this is a one stop shop to set our young people up ready to enter the trials and tribulations of being an adult!
Delivered in partnership with North West Regional College, Shane Mulgrew & Coastal Core, the following topics are covered:
🏠 “Make yourself at home” - Essential housekeeping skills: Washing, ironing, cleaning, keeping safe at home.
🍽 “Fed & Watered” - Cooking skills: Meal planning, budgeting, shopping & cooking simple meals
🧠 “Happy Mind, Healthy Body” - Keeping Well: The importance of positive mental, physical and emotional health . “Super You” programme with Shane Mulgrew
🔧“Maintenance Must Haves ” - DIY Skills: Simple car & home maintenance skills. Supported by NWRC
💻 “Digital Self Defence” - Keeping safe online: Online relationships, avoiding cyber scams, social media use
🎓 “Futureproofing” - Qualification & Careers: Support with where to go next for jobs & careers
🤕 “Save your Mate’s Life” - First Aid Workshop with Coastal Core
Some of the modules are suitable for children aged 12/13 years+, so children from year 9 and above are welcome to drop in with their parents / carers, and of course, older teenagers are welcome to call in on their own.
Please contact for more information!