
1-12 Weeks pregnant – The first trimester
- You may be feeling tired. Your breasts might also feel sore and slightly enlarged.
- Your emotions are likely to change – you may feel happy at one moment then sad the next.
- By about 12 weeks of pregnancy, your placenta should be fully formed.
- Your baby’s face is formed and their ear buds are developing.
- It’s usually too early to feel your baby’s movements at this stage but they’ll be moving quite a bit!
13-27 Weeks pregnant – The second trimester
- At around 16 weeks, your baby’s hands can form a fist and can hold each other when they touch
- You may begin to feel gentle fluttering movements at around 18 - 19 weeks
- Your baby should have settled into a pattern of movement – there is no specific number of “kicks” you should be experiencing, but if you notice a change in the pattern of your baby’s movement, contact your midwife
- At around 25 weeks, your baby is usually moving a lot and responds to touch and sound. They may even get hiccups from time to time!
28-40+ Weeks pregnant – The third trimester
- Your baby’s sucking reflex is usually developing by now and they may suck their thumb or fingers.
- By about 32 weeks, your baby may have turned and be lying head down. Your baby will be swallowing amniotic fluid and passing it out as urine.
- In the last weeks, sometime before birth, your baby’s head should move down into your pelvis. When this happens, you may notice your bump “dropping” slightly.
We have a range of programmes available for expectant parents – more information can be found here