4 - 6 years

- Your child is changing all the time, and learning so many new things! By this stage, they usually know a variety of simple songs and rhymes.
- Physical development is really coming along – they may run, jump, hop, walk backwards, skip, balance on one foot for a few seconds.
- They may begin to draw recognisable people with body parts, and simple shapes. Towards the top end of this age bracket they may be able to write their own name independently.
- Verbal communication skills are developing well – your child usually knows their full name, address, days of the week and months of the year. They can be very inquisitive and ask lots of questions – although this can be frustrating, try and answer their questions as honestly as possible, as this is the best way for them to learn about the world around them! Within this age group, children are generally putting sentences together of between 4 to 8 words. Your child may be able to follow instructions with multiple parts.
- Imaginary play make take on different roles such as “mummies and daddies” or “superheros and baddies”. Your child may be able to organise and lead different games – they may become “bossy” with their peers and during their play.